The Proper Use of Storage Facilities

How To Organize And Store Your Yarn In A Storage Unit

by Sofia Martin

Crocheting has long been a hobby for many people. Unfortunately, this wonderful hobby can create an addiction to the purchasing of yarn. This collection of yarn can quickly begin taking over your home if you are not careful about how you are storing things. Here, you will learn how to organize and store your yarn in a storage unit, such as Santa Monica Mini Storage, to ensure that it remains in good condition and can easily be found when you find the perfect project for it.

Purchase Storage Bins

The storage bins that you choose for your yarn will go a long way in keeping things organized and easy to find. One type of storage bin that is oftentimes overlooked are the clear under-bed storage bins. These bins are perfect for storing yarn because you can lay the yarn in a single layer and easily see what is what from outside the bin.

Take Stock

Before you transport your yarn from your home to the storage facility, you should first take stock of what you have. Once you have purchased some storage bins for your yarn, dig out everything that you have and begin sorting through it.

The manner in which you sort your yarn must meet your needs. Do you have a pile of yarn saved for a project that is already planned and haven't quite found the time to complete? If so, keep that yarn together in one bin.

The rest of the yarn can be sorted by color. Keeping the colors grouped together will make it easier for you to find exactly what you are looking for when you need it.

Before you put the lid on the sorted bins, take a quick picture of the yarn inside. You can save these pictures to your computer and refer to it quickly when you have a project idea and need to know if you have the colors of yarn needed to complete it. This can help you avoid buying yarn that you already have and maybe inspire you to use the colors that are already in your collection, rather than buying new.

Organize the Storage Unit

Since yarn is not really heavy, you can pick up a quick-assemble shelving unit at your local home improvement store to use in your storage unit. This will allow you to store several bins in the unit without having to spend several minutes sorting through the bins trying to find what you are looking for.

Number the shelves and keep track of what bins you put on what shelves. Then, when you need something, you can refer to the list and find what you want in just seconds.

Now that you know how to organize and store your yarn, start looking for a storage unit. Try to choose a climate controlled storage facility so that you do not have to worry quite as much about pests getting into your yarn and destroying it.
